
c-synth - a command line synthesizer written in C: github repo.

vector graphica - a scene generator and renderer that may be used for creating artworks for vaporwave related content: github repo.


bokki - lofi/ambient/vaporwave music project: spotify.

viieja - deprecated lofi music project: spotify.


downweller - a downwell clone but with plazos fijos: play it.

ok bumper - a free fall game that lets you press space to generate a random vector and survive: play it.

super-speaker - dodge the speaker's deadly frequencies: play it.

gravity breaker - a brickbreaker that lets you controll gravity: play it.

inside breakout - a super weird platformer with a long intro: play it.


viiejasm - deprecated graphic design project: redbubble portfolio, instagram.

loficondition - lofi music platform: instagram, webpage, playlists.

toby fox tribute - a tribute page for Toby Fox: webpage.


twitter: @casiojapi

github: @casiojapi